Female Gang Activity (CARTELS-4)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEMALE GANG MEMBERS AND CARTEL ACTIVITY Books Women Drug Traffickers Mules, Bosses, and Organized Crime By Elaine Carey Discussions on Female Violence Albuq. Jrnl 2018/05/07 Heinous and violent’: MS-13’s appeal to girls grows as gang becomes ‘Americanized West Texas and New Mexico female gang members. By Michelle Miller and Justin Jouvenal https://www.abqjournal.com/1168872/heinous-and-violent-ms-13s-appeal-to-girls-grows-as-gang-becomes- americanized.html CYFD https://www.researchomatic.com/West-Texas-And-New-Mexico-Female-Gang-Members-8198.html Excerpt: Overview: Gangs pose a serious threat to public safety in many communities throughout New Mexico and the factors that contribute to gang activity in our state are extensive and complex. While jurisdictional boundaries in law enforcement remain unchanged, criminal gangs have become increasingly more migratory and diverse in their crimes. Not only do we have limited resources to effectively address the issues facing gang prevention/intervention, enforcement and re-entry efforts, but we lack a coordinated, comprehensive approach amongst these areas. Stakeholders from each of these areas acknowledge that we share a common goal but have different objectives; differences that can sometimes affect our ability to collaboratively work together. Blog input What kind of gangs are on the Navajo Reservation? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110520134935AA8iSiu198.html March 2017 Gangs, violence and the role of women and girls: Emerging themes and policy and programme options drawn from interviews with female gang members in Cape Town Mark Shaw and Luke Lee Skywalker http://www.unodc.org/res/cld/bibliography/gangs--violence-and-the-role-of-women-and-girls_-emerging-themes-and-policy- programme-options-drawn-from-interviews-with-female-gang-members-in-cape-town_html/tgiatoc-women-in-gangs-policy- note-1837-lo-res1.pdf New Mexico University of New Mexico Gang Threat Assessment 2008 Prepared for: Project Safe Neighborhoods Task Force, District of New Mexico, Prepared by: Danielle Albright, M.A., Lisa Broidy, Ph.D., Kristine Denman, M.A.. New Mexico Statistical Analysis Center Dr. Lisa Broidy, Director https://isr.unm.edu/reports/2008/gang-threat-assessment-phase-i.pdf Female Drug Smugglers and Traffickers Jstor https://www.jstor.org/stable/30052745?seq=1 Female Drug Smugglers on the U-S.-Mexico Border: Gender, Crime, and Empowerment Howard Campbell Anthropological Quarterly Vol. 81, No. 1 (Winter, 2008), pp. 233-267 Published by: The George Washington University Institute for Ethnographic Research https://www.jstor.org/stable/30052745 1996 Female Gang Members: A Profile of Aggression and Victimization Christian E. Molidor Social Work Vol. 41, No. 3 (May 1996), pp. 251-257 https://www.jstor.org/stable/23718168?seq=1 KTVA 2019/07/11 Woman Drug Trafficker Alaska route--How some Alaska residents help the Sinaloa Cartel smuggle drugs north https://www.ktva.com/story/40768037/how-alaska-residents-help-the-sinaloa-cartel-smuggle-drugs-north NCBI 2015/05 Savvy Sellers: Dealing Drugs, Doing Gender, and Doing Difference Micheline D. Ludwick, Sheigla Murphy, and Paloma Sales Subst Use Misuse. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 Jan 27. Subst Use Misuse. 2015 May; 50(6): 708–720. doi: 10.3109/10826084.2015.978640 PMCID: PMC5271670 NIHMSID: NIHMS766502 PMID: 26086305 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5271670/ Vice 2016/07/07 Female Drug Dealers: 'People Would Do Anything to Get a Fix': Female Drug Dealers Share Their Stories We spoke with women who sell drugs about industry sexism, illicitly trying to have it all, and knowing more about various chemicals than their male contemporaries. By Sophie Saint Thomas https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ezjjq7/people-would-do-anything-to-get-a-fix-female-drug-dealers-share- their-stories Kjonnsforskning dot no 2017 Women dealers empowered selling drugs http://kjonnsforskning.no/en/2017/06/women-dealers-empowered-selling-drugs NCJRS September 2005 Gender Differences in Drug Market Activities: A Comparative Assessment of Men and Women’s Participation in the Drug Market; Nancy Rodriguez, Ph.D., Marie L. Griffin, Ph.D. Criminal Justice and Criminology, Arizona State University https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/211974.pdf Various Areas and Critiques of Female Gang Violence Toronto Sun 2019 'Monstrous' teen girl gang 'hitta' killed 17 in Chicago. By Brad Hunter https://torontosun.com/news/world/monstrous-teen-girl-gang-hitta-killed-17-in-chicago NCJRS dot gov 1995 ice Queens: An Ethnographic Study of Black Female Gang Behavior (From Modern Gang Reader, P 83-92, 1995, Malcolm W. Klein, Cheryl L. Maxson, et al., eds. - See NCJ-173280) Author(s): L T Fishman Date Published: 1995 https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/Publications/abstract.aspx?ID=173287 Heinonline Critical Race Feminism: Black Women and Gangs. By Adrien K. Wing and Christine Willis https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/jgrj1&div=10&id=&page= Updates: 2022/05/27; 2020/05/02 Female drug smugglers-2008, ktva-woman drug trafficker added
Female Gang Members and Discussions on Female violence Female Drug Smugglers and Traffickers Various Areas and Critiques of Female Gang Violence
Resources and Input Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels and System Corruption
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