ARTICLES (Several to all with excerpts)A-CBBC2019/07/11 Are men the main target of sexual harassment in Iraq? By Megha Mohan and Haider Ahmedhttps //www bbc com/news/stories-48940041A survey for the BBC of the Arab world turned up an unexpected result in Iraq - more men than women reported having experienced verbal sexual harassment and physical sexual assault. Can this really be the case?D-EEcpat2019/09/04 Iraq: Daesh’s retreat uncovered horrific cases of child sexual abusehttps //www ecpat org/news/iraq-daesh-child-sexual-abuse/Excerpt: A dark picture of child sexual exploitation has emerged in areas occupied by the retreating Daesh forces in Iraq – says a new ECPAT report. Years of conflict and instability have left children displaced and vulnerable to sexual exploitation – with many so desperate that they have no other option but to exchange sex for survival.In recent years, violence perpetrated by Daesh (also known as Da’esh, ISIS or ISIL), has displaced more than 3.3 million people in Iraq. Adding to that, the ongoing conflict in neighbouring Syria has forced 250,000 refugees across the border. Many children still remain in camps, struggling to survive in precarious economic situations.Children sexually exploited by camp authorities in exchange for foodThe report says children living in refugee or internally displaced people camps are at heightened risk of sexual exploitation. Prostitution rings have been uncovered, sometimes even operated by camp authorities. In those cases, they coerced women and children into providing sexual services in exchange for food or other supplies.Boys of all ages sexually exploited…In Iraq, boys are vulnerable to sexual exploitation as their movements in public spaces are less restricted than girls. Boys as young as seven have been lured into a situation of sexual exploitation by older boys and men with promises of candy, food or money. Boys pushed to provide sexual services in order to receive full wages. There’s also evidence that older boys face tremendous pressure to provide for their families. The scarcity of jobs is forcing them to work under exploitative conditions by being made to provide employers with sexual services in order to receive full wages.https //www ecpat org/news/iraq-daesh-child-sexual-abuse/F-HGuardian2010/04/25 The hypocrisy of child abuse in many Muslim countries. Child marriage and pederasty are tolerated in Muslim societies where homosexuality is strictly condemned. Shaista Gohir 2017/08/02 Afghanistans child sexual abuse complicity problem Freedom dot orgThe “Justified” Sexual Abuse of Boys in Muslim Countries. BY Mario Alexis Portella York Times2015/09/21 US soldiers told to ignore Afghan allies abuse of boys https //www nytimes com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys htmlDan Quinn was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed. The policy has endured as American forces have recruited and organized Afghan militias to help hold territory against the Taliban. But soldiers and Marines have been increasingly troubled that instead of weeding out pedophiles, the American military was arming them in some cases and placing them as the commanders of villages — and doing little when they began abusing children. …After the beating, the Army relieved Captain Quinn of his command and pulled him from Afghanistan. He has since left the military. Four years later, the Army is also trying to forcibly retire Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a Special Forces member who joined Captain Quinn in beating up the commander. “The Army contends that Martland and others should have looked the other way (a contention that I believe is nonsense),” Representative Duncan Hunter, a California Republican who hopes to save Sergeant Martland’s career, wrote last week to the Pentagon’s inspector general.https //www nytimes com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys htmlO-PPBS2010/04/20 Dancing Boys of Afghanistan https //www pbs org/wgbh/pages/frontline/dancingboys/UVWUrban Muslim Z2021/12/08 Abused in Silence: Child Sexual Abuse in Muslim Communitieshttps //urbanmuslimz com/news/community/abused-in-silence-child-sexual-abuse-in-muslim-communities/AFGHAN SEXUAL ABUSEAfghan Sexual Abuse Links List2019/11/123-https //www theguardian com/global-development/2019/nov/13/afghanistan-paedophile-ring-that-abused-over-500-boys2012/02/08-https //www huffpost com/entry/the-dancing-boys-of-afghanistan_b_1260667https //www northfloridawriter com/blog/army-brass-wrong-captain-dan-quinn-h2015/09/21--https //www nytimes com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys html2021/03--https //www opindia com/2021/03/bacha-bazi-child-sexual-abuse-afghanistan-pakistan-pashtun-paedophilia-victims-exploitation/2010/04/20--https //www pbs org/wgbh/pages/frontline/dancingboys/TermsBacha BaziOp India2021/03/17 ‘Bacha Bazi’: The rampant sexual exploitation of minor boys in Afghanistan and PakistanA practice that was said to have slowed down was revived when Afghan warlords started to purchase and own one or more boys to display power and wealth. The boys are either kidnapped or purchased from their families, often made to dress as females and wear makeup and made to dance at private parties and weddings. Akshita Bhadauriahttps //www opindia com/2021/03/bacha-bazi-child-sexual-abuse-afghanistan-pakistan-pashtun-paedophilia-victims-exploitation/Some NamesBuckley-Lance Corporal Gregg Buckley, Jr.Hunter-Representative Duncan Hunter, a California RepublicanQuinn-Dan Quinn - former Special Forces command, ArmyMartland-Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a Special Forces memberOlder Material - need to move and remove any remaining material from that other websiteSee also:Names of military who tried to do something or spoke out, including helping military people who spoke out:See separate page in Human Issues/Veterans/Honorable Acts-Afghan Sexual Abuse IssueArticles by Topic or Name of Someone in ArticleBuckley-Lance Corporal Gregg Buckley, Jr.Quinn-Former Army Special Forces command Dan QuinnComplicity Problem - Afghanistan child sexual abuseDancing Boys of AfghanistanAfghanistan Pedophile Ring - over 500 boys possibly abusedBuckley-Lance Corporal Gregg Buckley, Jr.North Florida Writer dot comhttps //www northfloridawriter com/blog/army-brass-wrong-captain-dan-quinn-heroExcerpt: Lance Corporal Gregg Buckley, Jr. became aware of a similar situation, reported it to his superiors and was also told to ignore it. He could actually hear the screams of a child and tried to take his complaint up the chain of command. Three days later the young Marine was found dead, murdered. Some say he was possibly killed by the young boy since his report made conditions worse while America did nothing but we really don't know what actually took place. And now the lance corporal's father has come out with the story, telling the press that his son had told him of the situation and just couldn't sleep knowing what he knew.https //wwwnorthfloridawriter com/blog/army-brass-wrong-captain-dan-quinn-hQuinn-Former Army Special Forces command Dan QuinnNew York Times2015/09/21 U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies. By Joseph Goldsteinhttps //www nytimes com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys htmlExcerpt: Dan Quinn was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed. The policy has endured as American forces have recruited and organized Afghan militias to help hold territory against the Taliban. But soldiers and Marines have been increasingly troubled that instead of weeding out pedophiles, the American military was arming them in some cases and placing them as the commanders of villages — and doing little when they began abusing children. …After the beating, the Army relieved Captain Quinn of his command and pulled him from Afghanistan. He has since left the military. Four years later, the Army is also trying to forcibly retire Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a Special Forces member who joined Captain Quinn in beating up the commander. “The Army contends that Martland and others should have looked the other way (a contention that I believe is nonsense),” Representative Duncan Hunter, a California Republican who hopes to save Sergeant Martland’s career, wrote last week to the Pentagon’s inspector general.2015/09/21--https //www nytimes com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys htmlComplicity Problem - Afghanistan child sexual abuseHRW 2017/08/02 Afghanistans child sexual abuse complicity problem2017/08/02--https //www hrw org/news/2017/08/02/afghanistans-child-sexual-abuse-complicity-problemDancing Boys of AfghanistanHuffPost2012/02/08 The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan</i> Examines Sexual Abuse in Afghanistan"Western soldiers will no longer be dying on a daily basis and, frankly, who will care any more about the deaths of Afghans after 2014? Can we honestly believe that, in this likely scenario, combating the abuse of poor children will be a priority?" Marcia G. Yerman2012/02/08-https //www huffpost com/entry/the-dancing-boys-of-afghanistan_b_1260667PBS 2010/04/20 Dancing Boys of Afghanistan2010/04/20--https //www pbs org/wgbh/pages/frontline/dancingboys/Afghanistan Pedophile Ring - over 500 boys possibly abusedThe Guardian2019/11/13 Afghanistan paedophile ring may be responsible for abuse of over 500 boyshttps //www theguardian com/global-development/2019/nov/13/afghanistan-paedophile-ring-that-abused-over-500-boysSocial workers claim teachers and local officials are implicated, and believe thousands more children may have been targeted. Stefanie Glinski in Kabul2019/11/123-https //www theguardian com/global-development/2019/nov/13/afghanistan-paedophile-ring-that-abused-over-500-boysUpdates 2023/02/21 material from Afghan section merged here; 2020/05/07 page moved from River Gold to Police Factor; BBC-2019 and Ecpat-2019 articles added.
Resources and Input Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels and System Corruption
•Articles (Sample of listings)oAre men the main target of sexual harassment in Iraq? (BBC-2019/07/11)oIraq: Daesh’s retreat uncovered horrific child sexual abuse. (Ecpat-2019/09/04)oUS soldiers told to ignore Afghan allies abuse of boys. (NY Times-2015/09/21)oAfghanistans child sexual abuse complicity problem. (HRW-2017/08/02) oDancing Boys of Afghanistan (PBS-2010/04/20) oUS soldiers told to ignore Afghan allies abuse of boys (NY Times-2015/09/21)oThe hypocrisy of child abuse in many Muslim countries (The Guardian-2010/04/24)oAfghanistan paedophile ring may be responsible for abuse of over 500 boys (The Guardian-2019/11/13)oAbused in Silence: Child Sexual Abuse in Muslim Communities (Urban Muslimz-2021/12/08)•Afghan Sexual AbuseoBacha BazioNames of military who tried to do something or spoke out, including helping military people who spoke out:▪Buckley-Lance Corporal Gregg Buckley, Jr.▪Quinn-Former Army Special Forces command Dan QuinnoComplicity Problem - Afghanistan child sexual abuseoDancing Boys of AfghanistanoAfghanistan Pedophile Ring - over 500 boys possibly abusedThe below comment needs review but is left up for nowSee separate page in Human Issues/Veterans/Honorable Acts-Afghan Sexual Abuse Issue